11 years blogging!

Today marks my 11th bloggiversary! I missed the big 10 last year!

Feel free to skip all the booooring details below!

Back in 2011 I started blogging for the first time. For a while I had two blogs: Roses and Vellum, (first post 5 August 2011) which was about books and movies and Frustrated Writer Style (first post 16 September 2011) which was my outfit blog. Around 5th September 2012 I started posting all of it on Roses and Vellum which became my main blog. I think it was in 2020 that I changed the blog name to Crow Faery Laura to match my other social media accounts. 

In 2020 I decided to reboot with a new blog and first posted to this blog in October, although I included some older posts from my original blog and did not fully switch over until 2021.

I have made some great friends through blogging. Many no longer blog but we still keep in touch through other social media. I really enjoy blogging and hope to still be doing it another ten years from now!


  1. Happy 11th Blogoversary! Wow, 11 years shows real commitment on your part and yes, clearly you love blogging to have kept at it so long! The Blogosphere is like a revolving door of people and blogs coming and going, so it's nice to read a blog of real staying power like yours! Keep on blogging! Your posts are always entertaining!

  2. Happy 11th blogiversary, Laura! xxx

  3. Woo, hoo! Congrats on hitting such a big milestone.

  4. Happy 11 years, Laura! I didn't realize you'd been blogging for so long! I just passed my 14th anniversary. I cherish the relationships I have found through blogging - I've met (in person!) many of my friends, and even though many of us will never meet, we still treasure our friendships. I'm really happy to have found you!

  5. Happy blogiversary! How time flies!


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