Market Haul

Close ups of my finds:

Big vintage shawls, $10 each

Secondhand belt. I am not sure about this one but it was $1

Perfume bottle that gives me magical vibes

Little deer antlers for Christmas

Stickers and the gorgeous little animals below are from Koki Craft. 
She's currently taking a break until January. 

This cat is basically me, reading a book on top of a pile of books.

Snow fox pendant

Stacked birds

Tiny foxes Caite got me, it's us as foxes!

Amazing box that I wanted but didn't have the funds for that day

Yet again, it's me!

This wasn't from the market, but I wanted to show off this book I got recently. It's a beautiful modern collector's edition of Andrew Lang's Blue Fairy Book. I obviously can't afford the originals so I was excited to find this!

I hope you enjoyed my market haul! What were your favourite items?


  1. Wow, everything in this post is so great! My fave, though, is the set of cute wee deer antlers! So friggin adorable!

  2. The illustrations in your book are beautiful. I can't resist a shawl either! x

  3. Love the vintage shawls and the Blue Fairy book. Happy reading!

  4. What a great haul, Laura! I particularly love the vintage shawls and I'm loving the look of that book too! xxx

  5. The perfume bottle is lovely. Like both shawls and I think that belt may be 1980s. They were certainly popular then. I still own a couple myself though you can never be sure. Fashions come and go. The book is something special though.

  6. The inside of that box is amazing! I'm so glad you went back for it!


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