Polymer Clay Creatures.

Last year I started sculpting with polymer clay. I decided to make miniature animals because I loved the miniatures I've been collecting from Koki Craft . She uses traditional clay but I wanted to try it with polymer as I can bake it at home and don't need a kiln. I'm really enjoying learning how to make things with it. At the moment I'm using white polymer clay from Kmart. This has a soft texture which I like as I find harder ones a bit hard on my hands. I also find it easier to work with than paper clay, which is funny because I used to think I should stick with paper clay as it was the cheapest but it turns out I'm improving faster with polymer clay. I have been painting my creatures with acrylic paints after baking. Most acrylic paints work well but a few seem to get a bit sticky. I then coat the finished item with a few layers of Modpodge. Here are some of my creations so far. Parrot couple I made for my manager for an Xmas surprise. Rain frog necklace and e...