
 Hi there, it's been a long time since I visited blog land! 

Life has been really busy and I have not had any time to write or make videos! Blogging and commenting have fallen by the wayside of my schedule!

Thanks to lovely Bracken for asking about my stories, I have written a couple of short stories but I haven't had time to edit them. I am thinking of self publishing a little short story collection but I haven't had time for that either!

I have had a few adventures and done some crafts, hopefully I will get around to posting pictures eventually!


  1. I've been enjoying your Instagram pics. 🙂 I want to get back into blogging, too... 🙁

  2. Hello, I tried to comment on this post before but it wouldn't let me. I think the publishing idea is a good one and you should go for it. That should not really be an end though but a beggining. Keep up the good work!


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