Hello Again

Panorama shot of the Jasmine vine in my yard. The main plant is on the right but it has climbed all the way across to the left. 

Yes, I wandered out of blogland again! Spring is here and I've spent most of my time sitting outside smelling the abundant jasmine and reading a book. I have also been walking down the road to look at a cluster of freesias that have a wonderful nostalgic spring vibe to them. 

I don't have a cat. 

I don't know whose cat it is. Very sassy looking.

I've been noticing how much better I feel if I'm not doom scrolling or looking up things on the net all the time and how much having my phone always with me breaks up my already short (except when reading) attention span. I want to try and balance writing and blogging with spending less time at the screen but I'm not sure how long it will take to strike a good balance. 

The freesias down the road.


  1. Hi Laura, Totally get the problems with screen time. I actually got rid of facebook off my mobile for about a year because it seemed to tke over my existence. I have it back now but still do not have twitter as yet and enjoy missing the online conversations on twitter now I have got used to them being gone. It also means I have time to blog more and do not find it such a chore as I started to. Love the jasmine. We have some on the garden fence but its far smaller and no where near as majestic looking though looks a similar variety. The freesias are lovely. In the UK they tend to plant crocus but the effect is similar in the spring. I think spring is one of the best times of year. We are now in autumn/fall. Its wet and getting colder though not too cold just yet. We have only worse weather ahead for a while.

  2. What a cute (and sassy) cat! Looking at nature - flowers, trees - always makes me feel calmer. I also avoid doom-scrolling and I avoid the news on TV as it just sucks all my energy.

  3. I bet your backyard smells like heaven. That jasmine plant is HUGE.

    I'm so happy you've found a way to step away from the horrors of social media for a while. Balance is a good thing. Glad you've been dancing with it.

  4. I can almost smell that jasmine just by looking at my screen! And what a sight for sore eyes those Spring flowers are. You are absolutely right, spending time away from the screen and spending it in nature instead is balm for the soul. I just did the same, not blogging or doing social media while I was away for a week! xxx

  5. Your garden looks like paradise compared to the cold, wet and grey scene confronting me from the window this morning! That cat is a cutie!
    I don't have a mobile phone and only access the internet via a PC. When I'm away from the house I haven't got a clue about what's going on in the world - I love it! xxx


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