Ironfest Photos Day 2

I was lucky enough to stay with the team from The Nerdyheard and Geeks Who Go. They were so friendly. And I woke up the second morning to find an amazing view outside our cabin!

Parrots in a nearby tree

Could a Troll live under the bridge?

Sunlit fields and golden trees!

Being a faerie on the verandah, the wind was very wild.

Trying on 14 kg of chain mail.

The steam engine driving by

With Predatorette

The talented and lovely lady behind The Tattered Tower

I wish I could have got a better photo of this medieval Iron Man! You can't see the mask here.

Lady Chatsalot, designer and Teaduelling Pot Mistress.

Nathan as the Steampunk Samurai

I was so happy to see this guy with his amazing one wheel motorcycle here again, it really works, too!

The Tripods are coming! Built by Dij, one of our amazing Steampunk makers.

Some people from the 1920s dropped by

This aerialist was performing under quite terrifying conditions, her silks were flapping around while she did her acrobatics, there was someone at the bottom trying to hold them down a bit.

A marching band

A Regency lady meets giant spacemen. 

One of the lovely crew of the Airship Sirius. They made all their wonderful possessions. I bought a beautiful smelling lavender sachet from one of them.

She's reading Sherlock Holmes.

Blacksmith bumper sticker!


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