Hello Again
Panorama shot of the Jasmine vine in my yard. The main plant is on the right but it has climbed all the way across to the left. Yes, I wandered out of blogland again! Spring is here and I've spent most of my time sitting outside smelling the abundant jasmine and reading a book. I have also been walking down the road to look at a cluster of freesias that have a wonderful nostalgic spring vibe to them. I don't have a cat. I don't know whose cat it is. Very sassy looking. I've been noticing how much better I feel if I'm not doom scrolling or looking up things on the net all the time and how much having my phone always with me breaks up my already short (except when reading) attention span. I want to try and balance writing and blogging with spending less time at the screen but I'm not sure how long it will take to strike a good balance. The freesias down the road.